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Feature Request: Moving hash-link items list

by JWvL_software on 2015/07/28 08:03:57 AM    
Can you please move hask-link items that are trying to obtain meta data out of the "Downloading" category into their own.

These are not yet "downloading" so I don't want to see the here.

Thank You very much
by JWvL_software on 2015/08/14 05:12:34 AM    
Every time "Downloading" is clicked the list is always refreshed shows like this:

By moving Hash-Links to their own category, it will always look like this:

Please make this happen.

Thank You
by Guest on 2016/09/29 09:19:54 PM    
Filter TRANSFER name -> "hash-link" or a subset hash or link
It's simply a name . . .STATUS is either DOWNLOAD or SEED, when applicable QUEUE(d) and QUEUE(s) and STOPPED(d) STOPPED(s)
Make a category with capture "hash-link" This will capture any magnet: whether or not there is a &dn= "display name"

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