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Feature Change Request: No Rename of file extension

by JWvL_software on 2015/07/28 07:50:37 AM    
I frequently rename files but get very frustrated that the file ext in the change filename text box. (filename.ext) This requires me to always select just the filename before each change.

Since changing a file extension would make the file unusable anyway, can you please remove (the dot and) extension change permanently so only the filename can ever be changed and I can make my life much easier.

Thank You very much
by Guest on 2015/07/29 07:05:53 AM    
Agreed. I've been meaning to post the same request for a long time.

It's amazing how such a little change could really make a difference. I too rename a lot of files in torrents so that they're easier to sort etc once downloaded. Would love it if whenever a rename-file/folder/etc dialog opened, only the file name itself is highlighted and not its extension. I can't imagine there ever being much of a need to change a file's extension, so excluding the file extension from being editable entirely is fine by me, but would also happily settle for simply highlighting the filename only by default so that people could just start typing a new file name without affecting the extension.
by Guest on 2024/06/08 02:01:03 PM    
by Guest on 2024/06/09 06:08:45 PM    
by notaLamer on 2024/06/23 03:51:52 PM    
but would also happily settle for simply highlighting the filename only by default so that people could just start typing a new file name without affecting the extension.
I've seen this done on an Android file manager and I prefer this to having two separate boxes for name + extension (Android too). People using Tixati are smart enough to not mess with an extension. then this is simply a nuisance right now
by Guest on 2024/06/27 06:20:00 PM    
I tried to rename files in both linux and windows and they both worked as they should.
the file, not the extension was highlighted.
by notaLamer on 2024/07/11 02:52:49 PM    
I can confirm, this already works as expected and only highlights the name without the extension. Tixati 3.25 on KDE Linux

If you are curious, a file with multiple extensions like .tar.gz would see only ".gz" automatically excluded from renaming. Only the first extension is excluded! You can object that Tixati should exclude all double-triple extensions then, but it's not simple. The greatest reason being the torrent file names usually use dots rather than spaces in file name "This.very.normal.name.jpg". It'd be pretty hard to find out about all extensions known to your system just to not mess up the exclusion of the second .dot part (extension vs name check). Some common cases could be handled manually in code like the above .tar.gz / .tar.xz etc. archives, .zip.asc is what GPG uses for file signatures and so on.

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