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File mismatch problems continue

by loninappleton on 2013/09/14 03:27:18 AM    
After upgrading to 1.96 I thought the file size mismatch problems would be corrected.

What happens is:  If I select a content file to copy from tixati download folder  to different drive/location on the homenet, the original file being torrented gives a check the size error.

I have found no solution to this repeating problem other than downloading my own torrent content again from the index or creating a new torrent completely.
by loninappleton on 2013/09/14 05:52:53 AM    
The 'thumbs' file is the one giving the error 'incorrect size on disk.'

I do not know how to eliminate the creation of the thumbs file.  It is not something I do or know about.
by Pete on 2013/09/14 09:10:18 AM    
thumbs.db is a hidden Windows system file. It's a database for thumbnail cache used by system, so it can change over time (according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thumbs.db).  In references section there's a link to Microsoft Support page describing how to turn off this caching, but I guess thumbs.db files already there will stay. It's safe to delete the file, usually I deleted it just before creating a new torrent. It would be nice if Tixati had some option to skip system or hidden files on Create New Seed window.
by loninappleton on 2013/09/16 09:04:03 PM    
Solved for now.

Here's the solution.

I retrieved the original file from before attempting to copy it out of Tixati folder from my backup disk.  This content file was recognized by the torrent file originally made.

Now I do not have to remake the torrent and garbage up my profile at the index site with duplicates.

However I still don't know why the copied file showed a larger size than the original in what is the thumbs file.  If this stands for thumbnails is there a way to turn of the problem in XP?
by loninappleton on 2013/12/05 04:16:22 AM    
I'm still dealing with this from time to time.  What happens is if I want to copy the content file folder from the tixati directory it changes the thumbs value-- someplace.

I once again retrieve the content folder from my backup disk
and all is well again.

The question how can this be flagged or turned off?  Is it someplace in the Control Panel > Folders tabs?  I do not know how to phrase the search to find the answer.
by loninappleton on 2013/12/05 04:22:05 AM    
I tried ticking the Do Not Cache Thumbnails box in

XP > Start >  Control Panel > Folder Options > View

and see what that does.
by tazmo8448 on 2013/12/16 12:43:39 PM    
I having a helluva time trying to find where the temp files are stored. I use S:\drive for torrents,games,what not and C:\drive for my OS only but Tixati stores data on my C:\drive regardless of where I put the download. Any ideas on where I can find the temp files? It's killing my little ole SSD OS drive.

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