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by Guest on 2015/06/09 08:42:43 PM    
I am dying friends can some one tell me whats wrong when my downloads collapse to virtualy 0kb per sec when i use tixati but skyrocket when i use ares. i love tixati so much i don't want to let it go can some one help me? check out my home screen

7:13:07 PM]  starting Tixati v2.12
[7:13:07 PM]  loading settings
[7:13:08 PM]  loading core objects
[7:13:09 PM]  loading from previous session > SomeFile
[7:13:09 PM]  starting > SomeFile
[7:13:09 PM]  loading interface
[7:13:09 PM]  DHT: starting
[7:13:18 PM]  startup complete
[7:13:18 PM]  listening for incoming TCP connections on
[7:13:18 PM]  listening for incoming UDP connections on
[7:13:18 PM]  listening for incoming TCP connections on :::16984
[7:13:18 PM]  listening for incoming UDP connections on :::16984
[7:13:18 PM]  Checking for updated version of Tixati...
[7:13:18 PM]  failed to bind incoming port: :::16984 > Address family not supported
[7:13:25 PM]  failed to bind incoming port: udp::::16984 > Address family not supported
[7:13:25 PM]  DHT: attempting to listen for UDP on
[7:13:25 PM]  DHT: attempting to listen for UDP on :::16984
[7:13:25 PM]  initiating transfer > SomeFile
[7:13:25 PM]  UPNP router TCP port forwarding: scanning for routers to forward port 16984...
[7:13:25 PM]  DHT: UDP port bound OK.  Startup complete.
[7:13:25 PM]  Error checking for updated version.
[7:13:36 PM]  UPNP router TCP port forwarding: no routers responded, will retry every 5 minutes
[7:13:36 PM]  UPNP router UDP port forwarding: scanning for routers to forward port 16984...
[7:13:46 PM]  UPNP router UDP port forwarding: no routers responded, will retry every 5 minutes
[7:21:10 PM]  DHT: stopped
[7:21:10 PM]  stopped listening for incoming connections on udp::::16984
[7:21:10 PM]  stopped listening for incoming connections on :::16984
[7:21:10 PM]  stopped listening for incoming connections on udp:
[7:21:10 PM]  stopped listening for incoming connections on
[7:21:50 PM]  listening for incoming TCP connections on
[7:21:50 PM]  listening for incoming UDP connections on
[7:21:50 PM]  listening for incoming TCP connections on :::16454
[7:21:50 PM]  listening for incoming UDP connections on :::16454
[7:21:50 PM]  failed to bind incoming port: :::16454 > Address family not supported
[7:21:50 PM]  failed to bind incoming port: udp::::16454 > Address family not supported
[7:21:51 PM]  UPNP router TCP port forwarding: scanning for routers to forward port 16454...
[7:22:01 PM]  UPNP router TCP port forwarding: no routers responded, will retry every 5 minutes
[7:22:01 PM]  UPNP router UDP port forwarding: scanning for routers to forward port 16454...
[7:22:12 PM]  UPNP router UDP port forwarding: no routers responded, will retry every 5 minutes
by Sailor24 on 2015/06/11 07:10:20 AM    
Your port for tixati is not being forwarded.
by Napsterbater on 2015/06/13 06:18:51 AM    
And you base that off of what?

Is it a possibility, yes. But nothing in that log is proof of that.

But this part "Error checking for updated version" thats a concern.

Op do you have a Software firewall blocking Tixati Perhaps?
by Guest on 2015/06/13 08:10:48 AM    
Obviously it's a port issue or firewall.
by Guest on 2015/06/16 05:32:46 PM    

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