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Organize torrents

by Guest on 2015/05/31 10:27:55 PM    
Ever since I clicked on sort by name, I've been unable to move torrents around in the transfers page. I'd like to have them in a certain order that isn't easily categorized by name or anything else. I used to be able to just drag and drop it into a position, but Tixati seems unresponsive to this motion now.

Is it possible to re-arrange the torrents or am I forever stuck with a name based categorization.
by Guest on 2015/06/01 10:05:05 AM    
on the transfers page press the layout button and select sortable view.
by Guest on 2015/06/01 08:33:43 PM    
Oooooooh!!!! Thank you so much, hitting Sortable or Ordered seemed to have fixed it!

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