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Auto close on completion of DLD

by Guest on 2015/05/26 11:33:09 AM    
Hi, Is there an option to automatically disconnect when a download is completed? If so, where will I find it in TIXATI? Thanks in advance.
by Guest on 2015/05/27 10:32:06 AM    
Hello Guest

see the Tixati icon in your systray
right-click on it

select the option : Auto-Shutdown
there you can choose : close tixati or shutdown the system
when all downloads complete or all transfers complete

hope it helps
by Pete on 2015/05/27 08:29:12 PM    
You can set Remote Seed Limit to 1 for a torrent. This will almost always stop a torrent just after it's complete.
You can also use Auto-Shutdown > When All Downloads Complete, to access it right click Tixati tray icon or top menu. Remember to set Close Tixati in Auto-Shutdown menu.
by Guest on 2015/05/27 10:26:43 PM    
You can set Remote Seed Limit to 1 for a torrent. This will almost always stop a torrent just after it's complete.
You can also use Auto-Shutdown > When All Downloads Complete, to access it right click Tixati tray icon or top menu. Remember to set Close Tixati in Auto-Shutdown menu.

Great! Thanks for answering that question. I have no intention of uploading any data to anyone so I just want to download and stop the torrent. I don't like sharing. Thanks for answering my question, hopefully many people see this so they too can stop contributing data!
by Guest on 2015/05/28 12:13:04 PM    
Hi to you both and thanks for taking the time to answer my question, with two great options. I always like to pay my dues by reseeding but prefer to be around when its seeding, however I often leave it to download while I am sleeping. Having auto close after download is a great option. Thanks again.

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