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Files re-downloading by itself?

by Guest on 2015/04/28 08:42:35 AM    

I wasn't sure how to use the search for this problem; sorry if its a re-post in that case.

I'm running the latest 2.11 version of Tixati on my freshly installed 64-bit Windows 7.

A torrent, which was put to seeding, having mp3 files was played randomly using Windows media player. The files which were played was later found to be missing by Tixati and was now re-downloading the same files that i'd played. What is interesting to note is that while Tixati showed those files to be 0% and attempted to download them again, i was still able to open and play them from Tixati itself.

The problem doesn't occur to any other torrents containing movies or mp3 files however. But considering Tixati as my worthy client, i'd really be glad if developers could help me sort out the problem that may chance in future.

Here are two screenshots that could help to understand the situation better...

(Pics Removed by Mod)
by Guest on 2015/04/30 01:52:12 PM    
The two usual explanations would be that either you unintentionally changed that torrent's files around (moving or renaming them, for instance, which could also be done inadvertently by your MP3 program depending on its settings); or that they were changed remotely on the tracker hosting that torrent (by the uploader or an admin, for instance), for whatever reason.
by Guest on 2015/05/05 11:22:38 AM    
send torrent files to devs.

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