by Guest on 2020/12/27 03:17:26 AM
There could be a number of things, first, what server are you connected to? Pick a server that is physically closer to you (the farther your data has to travel, the slower it becomes).
What cipher are you using? I usually use cipher AES-128-GCM. This cipher is what banks use. If this is good enough to secure my data when online banking, then I figure it's good enough when I am using a VPN. Running a higher cipher can slow down your speeds.
You could try enabling "STunnel enabled". TCP protocol must be selected. This adds a second layer of security. If you have a shitty ISP that likes to throttle certain traffic, like VPN traffic, it may be worth wild to enable.
Last, I assume you opened an incoming port on your firewall. Tixati will automatically select a incoming port for you but you will still need to open TCP and UDP on your computer's firewall. You shouldn't have to open a port on your router not unless you have a lot of problems, but I wouldn't recommend it (potential security hole)