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Time Left shows incorrect data?

by theGo0f on 2015/03/26 10:52:52 AM    
Time left is calculated on the avg download speed instead of current download speed.

Is this supposed to be this way? Can we have an option to have on the current download speed basis?
by Sailor24 on 2015/03/30 09:35:52 AM    
NO current means nothing average is more likely. What do you want to be lied too. Or maybe when you get the current speed you will post that the time left never represents the real time to download? Why would you care about current when the only truth is avg?
by theGo0f on 2015/04/19 08:01:06 PM    
Umm, my internet connection is awry sometimes, i'll get 50-60kbps for a good few minutes, then sometimes due to better connection it will give me speeds upto 800kbps. the avg will be considerably low then and show me unrealistic figures.

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