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found out whats been crashing tixati >:|

by Guest on 2015/03/18 01:22:02 AM    
i spontaneously opened the newish tixati socket diagnostics view today jsut before it usually crashes out for no reason, heres what happens

normally i geta slight 'boost' in data after running completely normal and maxed out for 1 hour

immediately after tixati would stop downloading and uploading and stare at me as if all torrents just shut down globally

i would have to reboot the system to get it working again

-i assumed it was just a bad or negative budget assignment, i was wrong

anti-peers are now conducting attacks by requesting SEVERAL MILLION sockets in 1-2 seconds

this causes tixati to crash

first off we need a way to clamp sockets to the actuall native maximum,
in windows thats 16384 sockets
in linux i dont know but experience tells me its at least double that

second off we needa way to ban and perhaps even counter attack peers sending garbage data

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