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Blocking a country

by Guest on 2015/03/16 09:33:59 PM    
I want to block a country. Could someone please baby step me through the process? I tried the @county code but it says error reloading could not open file. Screen shots would be most helpful but just a very detailed walkthrough would be great as well. Thanks.
by Pete on 2015/03/17 06:30:57 PM    
1. click Add
2. Name: for example Greenland
3. "IP list source...": @GL
4. Action: Drop Matches
5. Applies To: Incoming and Outgoing Peer Connections
6. Auto Reload: Never
7. OK

Here are country codes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2
by Guest on 2015/07/25 04:49:28 AM    
Is this better than using an IP Filer from Blocklist dot com?

by Guest on 2016/03/17 04:16:28 AM    
Im still confused as to what you actually enter into the box. so if the country is Andorra, according to the wiki page it's code is ISO 3166-2:AD so is that all I'm supposed to put?
by Guest on 2016/03/17 02:44:42 PM    

The web page Pete provided has a link, click on ISO 3166-2 (that will open a page containing countries and their codes)

Your request was Anddora, their code is AD

When you create the IP Filter, you would type in:  @AD as Pete described...

by Pete on 2016/03/17 05:33:20 PM    
It should be:
by Pete on 2016/03/18 10:20:29 PM    
6. Auto Reload: Never
I was wrong. Auto Reload period should be set, I think 1 week is OK, otherwise Tixati will never reload contry IP addresses, even after they were updated in new version.
by Guest on 2016/03/24 01:03:04 AM    
Ah I'm such a noob. Thanks very much! =)
by Guest on 2016/05/28 02:23:43 PM    
clicking 'Add' open a dialog box to open a torrent or magnetic link? Where is this 'Add' that allows you to add a country code to some kind of filter or block list please? Thank you.
by Pete on 2016/05/29 09:23:23 AM    
You have to enable the IP Filter first. Go to Settings > IP Filter > Activate IP Filter Feature. Then you'll find the Add button on the IP Filter tab.

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