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Tixati and Tilde's

by Yay295 on 2015/03/10 09:38:04 PM    
I can't create a torrent from a folder that has a tilde in it. It doesn't have a problem with tilde's in filenames, but it doesn't recognize folders with them.
by Yay295 on 2015/03/11 08:45:58 PM    
I have found that Tixati will download torrents that include folders with tilde's in them, but if a tilde is the last character in the folder name it will change it to an underscore.
by Andys on 2015/03/27 02:57:26 PM    
I have the same problem.
Trailing tilde in downloaded files is replaced by underscore. Right now I had one torrent with broken functionality because of that
by Yay295 on 2015/05/20 11:44:54 PM    
This issue has not been solved in 2.12
by Guest on 2015/05/22 02:01:05 AM    
thats because there is no issue. tilde cant be used to remain cross-platform compatible.
by Andys on 2015/05/31 11:56:25 AM    
If a program _forcibly_ and _silently_ renames your files (and this "feature" isn't documented properly) then that's an issue.
A simple #ifdef check in code would make it cross-compatible between different platforms while keeping hidden file issue in linux solved.
by Sailor24 on 2015/06/02 05:55:49 AM    
It is documented that is why so many know it. Might I be so bold as to suggest you read the documentation? There are many ways to skin a cat, this cat is skinned this way, live with it and choose a different character.
by Andys on 2015/06/04 01:47:44 PM    
Would you kindly point me to the documentation page which mention this?
I've browsed through few possibly relevant topics on  and didn't find anything related to auto-renaming

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