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auto ignore choking remote

by olegych on 2015/02/28 01:30:34 AM    
sometimes when i download a torrent i get a lot of peers like this
they don't seem to contribute anything and just occupy download slots
if i manually ignore them, tixati will connect to other clients and generally find someone who will contribute
is there a way to do this automatically?
by shag00 on 2015/03/01 10:25:11 AM    
I would like to see some action on this too. Perhaps auto ignore when that client's upload to you falls to 25% of the upload from you, after a given time, say 5 minutes.
by Sailor24 on 2015/03/07 11:46:31 PM    
You need to watch the peers longer. The ones that do nothing will get rotated out and new ones will be added when a connection is made. That said depending on total peers you allow to connect. You can lessen this by increasing the number of peers you allow to connect.

The ones that leech but don't send will not be rotated, but you should be very careful about banning them. They maybe sending the total of their uploads to others and not being able to send to you. Not many of us have up and down speeds equal. You need to look at the big picture, as long as they are sending to someone that likely helps you.

There are people that don't upload anything but there is nothing you can do about that. If you block those people they will get it from someone else and that person will now not be able to send to you.

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