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How to Create a Torrent File?

by BuffaloBoy on 2015/02/04 05:53:27 PM    
Can anyone tell me how to use Tixati to create a torrent file from scratch?  Other torrent software has this easy-to-use and useful feature, but I can't seem to find the way to do it with Tixati.  Thanks.
by Guest on 2015/02/06 10:04:41 AM    
Hello BuffaloBoy

check this page : http://support.tixati.com/add%20new%20transfer
scroll down to the "Create New Swarm" section

1. Open Tixati
2. From the transfert window click the "Add" button
3. Select the "Create New Seed" tab
4. Then choose the "Browse for file" or "Browse for folder" button
5. Finish by the "Create" button
by Pete on 2015/02/06 06:33:26 PM    
by BuffaloBoy on 2015/02/12 07:29:17 PM    
Thanks much to both 'Guest' and 'Pete' for your information.  I really appreciate it.  I really think Tixati should have a simpler and more intuitive method to create a torrent file, though.  Cheers.  BB

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