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Request: Caching/exchange of shares

by Guest on 2015/01/23 03:10:57 PM    
Hi guys,

Cool product, I would suggest the following to improve search quality.. Pardon the copy/paste but it outlines the suggestion pretty well:

<gahgah> ok.. so the search is done entirely inside the client based on "shares" received earlier/continously
<That_Man> Indeed
<That_Man> Users announce what shares they have every x number of seconds, defined by their user class and channel settings
<gahgah> ok.. an interesting way to go about it vs. "distributed searching".. would be neat if shares could be exchanged between peers as well, lets say you have shares from the last X hours of "listening" when I join.. it would increase my chance of successful search if I received those cached entries as well
<gahgah> but it is hard not to feel enthusiastic about the product ;-)
<That_Man> I agree that it would be cool to have the shares be cached by the channel as opposed to per user
<That_Man> If it isn't on the forum already, I would add it as a possible feature request
<gahgah> yes but I wonder if the channel exists "by itself".. i mean if isn't just an address of sorts and isn't really stateful
<gahgah> but I will look in the forum and suggest it if it is missing
<That_Man> Well, you're right that it doesn't exist by itself
<That_Man> By that doesn't mean that the users in a channel can't share one big cache of shares
<That_Man> as opposed to only sharing what they share themselves and relying on each user to cache everyone's shares they have seen.
<That_Man> Why not have everyone keep a pool of all the shares seen so far in the channel?  I guess the size might get out of hand, but maybe not.
<That_Man> Could let managers/owners edit the list even
<gahgah> it could expire over time.. so each share entry could have a time-to-live that is set to X weeks ahead, as long as a user has an active torrent with the magnet hash in question (so the file is still assumed to be in existance so to speak)
<That_Man> Well that would be a problem, since I believe many people share magnet links they may not have downloaded or even running
<That_Man> Maybe have them expire if a user isn't sharing them in their share section
<That_Man> for x weeks
<gahgah> ah ok.. then maybe it is better to say that your client, when inquired, would send your own shares as well as the shares cached within the last X days.. if the same goes for everybody, then the freshness would be pretty good
<That_Man> as defined by the channel
<gahgah> also an idea. so do you mind if I just copy this chat into the forum? I can anonymize it.. but it outlines the feature request pretty well I think
<That_Man> Go right ahead, if so inclined.  Although people already know me so I don't care about my name getting out lol
<gahgah> ok :o) thanks
<That_Man> I think it would be an improvement on the whole Idea of shares
<That_Man> I often run into an issue where people complain there are no shares in a channel, meanwhile I've got several hundred cached.
<That_Man> so I have to reshare them
<gahgah> yep, that is the same I see.. my searches are turning up a bit empty, so improving on the caching will definitely make it much more appealing

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