by Guest on 2015/01/19 09:07:02 AM
i just downloaded tixati and have never used it before
i tried downloading a few torrents and all of them never download
they initialize but then it says searching DHT and never downlaods
it just keeps saying searching DHT.....over and over and over
im using a laptop with windows vista and accessing internet through my laptop via my mobile phone as a wireless router.....
any ideas?
by Guest on 2015/01/21 09:42:20 AM
I'm currently experiencing this same issue. Program was literally working fine for me the last year, but now torrents just have "searching DHT" and 0 for in and out kbs. This happened two days ago and now I can't download files. Using Windows 8.1
Onto this a couple days ago I installed an update for windows that was supposed to resolve issues with windows vista, 7, 8 and 8.1. This may have been the cause.
Do you both have Windows 8.1? Tixati will continuously search DHT for peers. Is there a tracker associated with your transfers? if so, Did the tracker(s) return any peers? If you go to the Peers tab, is there any IPs there besides your own? Also, are your ports forwarded correctly? Go to the Home tab and check that it says "Listening/OK" at the bottom on the right in the Panel that says "Incoming Connection". Once I have this information, I think I can better help you.