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UPNP issue?

by Guest on 2015/01/07 03:00:36 PM    
Hi all.
Yesterday i tried different torrent clients on Win7. I want to replace my very old ytorrent client.
In the final testing round qBittorrent and tixati left. Right now i prefer tixati but one problem i dont know how to fix:

My broadband router has NAT and UPNP enabled. I checked this by setting qBittorrent to upnp-active and i watched the ports in my routes webpage. So i assume my router is set up correctly and forwards ports corectly. (My very old yTorrent version cant get ports from my router as tixati.) I asumed a outdated UPNP protocol in my yTorrent. But Tixati is brand new!

I placed a static forwarding rule in my router and tixati works well including DHT. But i cant see any port forwarded using UPNP.

I started tixatis upnp-log.

[14:23:59]  UPNP: time:14656426426 obj:74032920 UDP port bound OK to
[14:28:58]  UPNP: time:14955479757 obj:73330648 UDP port bound OK to
[14:29:09]  UPNP: time:14966472130 obj:74032920 UDP port bound OK to

I dont understand this log completely but it looks to me, tixati try to get a random port from my router? all those port numbers in the upnp-log doesnt match the port i have set up in tixati.

Any help welcome.
by Sailor24 on 2015/01/08 06:38:13 AM    
Those look suspicious to me. Tixati sets a port. You can find them at settings/network/incoming ports. Setup your router to the port you find there. Have your firewall block other ports for tixati. Likely this is a problem that was a previous install, could be malware. MPAA is the #1 malware installer world wide.

Please turn off UPNP. security risk at the highest level.
by Guest on 2015/01/08 08:28:05 AM    
Those look suspicious to me. Tixati sets a port. You can find them at settings/network/incoming ports.

I have set up a port in settings/network/incoming and all status messages saying "all ok, upnp working."
I have read your wiki pages and the only difference i found is in the upnp-log.
Setup your router to the port you find there.
Thats what i did as a workaround. Unfortunatly the static routed port wakes up my computer (wake on lan feature) and i cant disable it in my bios :[ And so i need UPNP working.

Have your firewall block other ports for tixati.
Brand new router, default setup, no ports forwarded manually, nat+upnp enabled.

Likely this is a problem that was a previous install, could be malware.
I am no fanatic Torrent user - i use bittorrent clients in rare situations to pull linux install cd's and so on. (believe it! there are people like me :) )
MPAA is the #1 malware installer world wide.
Who ever :)
Please turn off UPNP. security risk at the highest level.
See my 2nd statement in this post. Ok, i will try to find this wake on lan feature in my bios. ...

Anyway: What does the different ports in the UPNP-log tell us? I expected to find the port number i configured in settings/network/incoming.

[14:23:59] UPNP: time:14656426426 obj:74032920 UDP port bound OK to
[14:28:58] UPNP: time:14955479757 obj:73330648 UDP port bound OK to
[14:29:09] UPNP: time:14966472130 obj:74032920 UDP port bound OK to

by Napsterbater on 2015/01/08 07:08:31 PM    
If you have a static forwarding rule, why do you have Tixati set to use UPNP, use one or the other.

And unless your router is one that incorrectly listens for UPNP on the WAN side its not so much a risk itslef as you would already have to have malware on your system/network and by that point you have already lost as it can just use other NAT punch trough methods.
by Guest on 2015/01/09 10:14:51 AM    
Tiny update:
I started your Tixati-portable on my Debian_amd64-pc.All running well including upnp. Perfect!
The upnp-log looks much more verbosely including some html?-formatted messages, i did not see on my win7-pc.

by Guest on 2015/01/09 12:50:11 PM    
One more Update :)

On Debian_64 Tixati activates the port via upnp but do not release the port at program end, so the port stays opened forever. The port should become released/closed when tixati closes.


p.s. I will do a fresh win7 install and test on win7 again ....

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