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Import torrents from other clients?

by Guest on 2014/12/13 03:28:38 PM    
Maybe I'm daft, but how do I get other completed torrents from another client into Tixati for seeding?

Currently I have Tixati/qBittorrent/Deluge... Each of these point to the same download directory. A few of the completed downloads have no torrent file at all. I suppose I removed them from the clients, but didn't delete the actual downloaded files.

Any suggestions?
by Guest on 2015/01/08 05:43:22 PM    
1. Get the torrent file from the Internet. (I presume you got it from the Internet.)
2. Load it into Tixati. A dialog box should appear.
3. Make sure the name at the top should match the name of the folder containing the files (or if exactly one file, the filename). The Local Files Location (I don't use Move On Complete) must be the folder that contains the folder containing the files (or if exactly one file, the file itself).
4. Press Stop. Go to Options Tab > Local Files > Force Check. Wait until checking is done. (If the file/s is/are complete, it must be 100%.)
5. Start!
by Guest on 2015/03/09 02:15:22 PM    
I tried that and the client started downloading files after recheck. I must be doing something wrong. Isn't there and easier way to go from uTorrent to Tixati without these re-checks? It would take ages and it's the only thing right now forcing me to keep using uTorrent still, because I'm afraid I might do something wrong here. Like starting to download the file again and deleting the previous ones, or something similar.

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