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Proper setting up of the downloader scheduler

by Guest on 2014/12/11 11:24:17 AM    
I have just installed Tixati version 1.99 and want to set the download "scheduler" to only download between the hours 00.01 and 05.00 hrs every night but cannot find instructions anywhere as to how this is done. The scheduler settings merely reflect 'once', 'daily' and 'weekly' but there is no indication how to set specific start and finish times. Can you assist please other wise I will have go back to uTorrent which has an easily workable timing schedule..........I thought Tixati was a  better, more capable programme but now have my doubts as it is almost impossible to set up......thanks.If and when you respond to this then where do I find the response please ?
by Guest on 2014/12/12 05:42:34 AM    
Tixati actually has a better scheduler than uTorrent.  Hers is how to set it up ...

Settings->Scheduler.  Turn it on

At the top of the main window you should see a clock icon, this is the schedule facility.  Click on it.

The new screen is the set up.  way on the left side you will see a button marked '+Add'.  Click that button.  That will bring up a dialog box where you can name the task, select cycle time, set the time, and add an action.  To add an action, click the '+Add' button near the bottom of the dialog box.  These actions have numerous options, so explore them all.  I'm sure you will agree this is far better than uTorrent.
by Pete on 2014/12/12 05:43:21 PM    
You will need two scheduler tasks. In order to create new task go to the Scheduler View and click the Add button.

Name = Start,
Cycle = Daily,
Time = 12:00 AM,
Action = Add > Transfers > All Transfers > Start,

Name = Stop,
Cycle = Daily,
Time = 05:00 AM,
Action = Add > Transfers > All Transfers > Stop,
by Guest on 2014/12/13 12:59:40 PM    
Hi Steve and Pete,

Being a guy over 70 years of age, I find that Pete`s explanation is easier to follow and I have set the scheduler accordingly. What was initially confusing however is the fact that the scheduler task window....time section... does not have an option of selecting 'am' and 'pm' which option is reflected in the help files picture of this scheduler. I have therefore assumed that the first block reflecting 0-----23 relates to hours and the second block reflecting 0------55 relates to minutes, That being the case I have set the start time as 0.00 hrs and stop time as 5.00hrs. I am using these hours as this is when my ISP gives me free bandwidth to play with. The bad news is that my maximum connection speed is only 2 mbits/s and a higher connection speed to make good use of the 50 terabytes bandwidth is simply unaffordable to me.

I presume that these hour settings will be permanent unless changed by me. I downloaded a movie last night but had to start and stop manually because of me not knowing how to set the scheduler. After that I re-opened uTorrent and am currently downloading a series of about 7gb so that will probably take the next few days before that download is complete, provided uTorrent does not come to an unexplainable stop which it has been doing the past week or so. It is only after that download is complete that I will be able to test out the newly setup Tixati scheduler.

To both of you guys thank you for taking the time to help me.

kind regards,
by Pete on 2014/12/15 08:11:37 PM    
I didn't use scheduler in uTorrent, it seems to work differently from Tixati. For example, when you add a new torrent to uTorrent during "Turn off" schedule, a new torrent will be stopped automatically. Scheduler in Tixati just runs selected actions at specified time. It won't stop new torrents automatically, you'll have to add them as stopped manually.

I think it is a good idea to set "Tasks Missed Between Sessions" to Run (Settings > Scheduler), to be sure all torrents will be in correct state when Tixati is started.
by Guest on 2014/12/18 01:15:27 PM    
Hi Pete,
Since my post of 13/12/2014, I found that the uTorrent programme did not continue with the downloading of the series of 7,5gb..it stopped at 90% and nothing happened during the following two nights
download periods so I reluctantly cancelled the exercise. I have now had the opportunity to program the Tixati scheduler to download between 00.01 and 05.00 hrs and successfully downloaded a movie of some 4.88 gb over two nights. I have now set Tixati to download the uTorrent failed downloaded series of 7.5gb...........the scheduler settings of the previous download were left unchanged, ie 00.00
and 05.00 hrs. The problem is that after the little torrent programme reflected the series name on the Tixati main window , the download started immediately which I then stopped manually.In view of this action my question to you is whether the download scheduler must be reset every time prior to new download being attempted/contemplated or will that initial setting used for the 4.88gb movie hold good for all future downloads?

I have now set "tasks missed between sessions" as suggested by you............thank you.

by Guest on 2014/12/18 03:56:17 PM    
Hi Pete,

As suspected, the Utorrent did not complete its job ...got stuck at 90% and nothing happened the 2 nights thereafter....completely deleted this job. Used Tixati to download a 4.88 gb movie........did the job successfully over 2 nights. Will now try using the Tixati for the job that uTorrent could not do. I had set the scheduler for the 4.88 gb movie and can such setting remain the default setting or must I reset it afresh every time prior to a download  ???

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