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(SUGGESTION) Make the transfers window TAB-able

by Guest on 2014/12/08 06:26:07 PM    
If you try to use Tixati with a keyboard only you'll be in for a chore, because as soon as you switch or ALT-TAB to a different window and back, the transfers window loses its focus, and TAB can't be used to get back inside it - you have to click inside it with a mouse button all the time.

This is consistently annoying if you're an experienced user, which usually means a user who prefers using the keyboard as much as possible and the mouse as little as possible. I find myself having to go for the mouse more for Tixati than for any other program I use regularly.

Please make the transfers window accessible through a keyboard by resuming default focus to it when you switch out of the program and back, and accessible through the TAB key.

Thank you!

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