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Searching for DHT

by Guest on 2014/12/07 10:44:29 PM    
trying to download a torrent but tixati is stuck at "downloading 0 (0) 0 (0) searching for DHT" seeds and peers wont connect
by Guest on 2014/12/08 06:15:36 PM    
So either there aren't any seeders, or there are very few and could be not connectible on their side, making transfers difficult.

Check back on the tracker (site) from which you're trying to download to see if this is the case (note that public trackers are often very inaccurate and/or slow in reporting how many actual seeders/leechers a torrent has), and if needed try locating a different torrent with what you need.
by Guest on 2015/05/12 01:34:33 PM    
same here! :(
is it the isp or just tixati wont function properly?
please answer ASAP
by Guest on 2015/05/13 12:36:33 AM    
I'm getting the same error. Was working fine yesterday before the update.
by Guest on 2015/05/13 01:16:33 AM    
the problem is on your end, or the tracker.

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