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Suggestions. Sorting torrents.

by Hogofogo on 2014/12/02 01:27:22 PM    
First of all, thank God for Tixati ! Is best, you must keep working guys. I tried Deluge but it's trash, I don't understand how is second popular or second most quality after uTorrent.

Nontheless.. It would be good to have this in Tixati:

1, Availability to select group of torrents and put them into folder.
2, Search in torrents, by classic text name search.
3, Be able to move torrents in the list up and down by drag and drop or other way.
4, Some easy, fast way to rename torrents. But just in list, as good for eye, not real rename to ruin downloading... Renaming to make it all clear. Like when I select torrent, press F2, rename, enter. Still working, no changes to files, real folders. I hope you got me.

My suggesions are essential for torrent guys who dowload a lot and have to seed a lot to keep ratio on private trackers. It's important to easy find torrents in big list of 200 torrents for example. Therefore I have to sort out just seeding trash torrents which I really dont need and put them into folder or hide them into folder...

Please think about it all.

I wish you best developers, keep working!!

Thank you for Tixati
by Guest on 2014/12/02 01:54:59 PM    
you can do all those things.

1. look in layout for categories.

2. look in layout for filter

3. make sure in layout that it is on sortable view.

4. you can press F2 and rename and it renames with no probs.
by Hogofogo on 2014/12/02 07:11:42 PM    
When I have some torrents in category, I wanted sort them according to size. So I clicked on Bytes card, nothing happend.
Would be nice, if it would works like windows explorer. You know, when you click once, it become sorted ascending, click again descending.

by Hogofogo on 2014/12/04 12:54:15 AM    
I don't want make new topic for this, so I ask here, if I may...

Is possible to set on torrent in the list(downloading atm), to stop seed (be offline) when finish downloading ?

Handy when you have low bandwitch, and need to save speed for seeding other stuff, which is more important. During night, when you sleep.

Thank you
by Hogofogo on 2014/12/04 01:43:30 AM    
Another suggestion:

Text search in list of files of big torrent. Some sitetip or megapack, imagine you need to find just one file. You know keyword, but don't want eye search line by line manually for long time and probably miss it ofc.. ^^

When it pops up that window of new torrent, where are you picking files to download; would be handy to press Ctrl+F and write some text, Enter.

Thank you
by Guest on 2014/12/04 05:37:48 AM    
You have to change the Transfer's layout to Sortable View to do that.

Here, look at this screenshot >
by Guest on 2014/12/11 03:33:50 PM    
Is there any way to assign a category to a torrent when adding it via the web interface?
by Hogofogo on 2014/12/11 04:39:04 PM    
"4. you can press F2 and rename and it renames with no probs."

No! It changed file name. I said I need rename just in the list, file name etc has to be untouched.
Is possible make this new feature please ?
by Guest on 2014/12/12 09:50:14 AM    

4, Some easy, fast way to rename torrents.

you can the "Description" field to enter a string, a comment
and you can display this field into the transfert view : via Layout - select columns

check in this help page :

hope it helps
by Hogofogo on 2014/12/15 04:58:32 PM    
Is possible somehow merge all seeds, peers from 3 torrents into one, which I'm downloading, to increase speed and chance to finish it ?

Suppose I have found on internet 3 different torrents.
But they only differ in main file name, added sample, added description text file.
Desired main video file is same, only with other name.
When I tried to download all 3 torrents separatelly, speed was poor on each of them.
So, logically, would be better to merge it somehow together, just for that one main file, which is common to all 3 torrents.
How ?

Thanks for reply.
by Sailor24 on 2014/12/16 04:03:47 PM    
You can't merge them. You can move the file from one torrent to another to get it to complete. Only use one file and one torrent at a time. Since you will have new data to the torrent when you move the file, you will upload which will make people download faster to you most times.

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