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Share downloads with other user of same pc - windows

by bubblebobble on 2014/11/14 11:28:21 AM    
Hi, is there a way to share downloads with 2 different users of the same PC?

e.g. me Mario and my brother Luigi, so that when Luigi logs in he can continue downloading my files, and/or he can add more new downloads etc.?

S.O. Windows 8.1 update 1
by Guest on 2014/11/14 09:40:35 PM    
if you and luigi can share folders than you can easily share downloads. just run the portable version from a shared folder and keep downloads in that folder as well.
by Guest on 2014/11/17 12:24:24 PM    
You could try having one of the users be a "server" for the program then have the other user access through the web interface.
This would require the "server" user to be logged in and the program to be running at all times.

I would probably try the portable method first.

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