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help a noob please

by Guest on 2013/08/28 12:57:28 AM    
Hi everyone, I have a quick question. Sometimes while I am downloading torrents my brother disconnects the modem to connect it to his ps3, so my downloads are instantaneously disconnected without choosing the stop option. My question is, does tixati knows what to do or will my downloads be damaged? Thanks a lot for your time everybody

I donĀ“t speak English fluently so I will try to reformulate the question in case I asked wrong, If you disconnect the computer from internet, without stopping the downloads on tixati, will the downloads result damaged?
by Pete on 2013/08/28 10:27:26 AM    
Tixati checks every downloaded piece of a torrent and downloads it again if it is corrupted.
by DrTeeth on 2013/08/29 03:51:28 AM    
I'd change your brother LOL. Seriously, if anybody disconnected my modem, it would be the first and last time they would do it.
by Guest on 2013/08/30 06:38:56 AM    
It shouldn't damage anything.

However, you should consider buying a router so your brother and yourself could be connected at the same time.

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