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exporting list of downloaded torrents

by Guest on 2014/10/14 11:39:42 AM    

I want to export my list of completed torrents. I plan to clean up the clutter in my tixati display by erasing all the completed torrents from the display, but I want also to know which torrents I've already downloaded. Is there any way, workaround or something to export the list to some text file/something similar?

thank you for any help!
by Pete on 2014/10/14 05:16:29 PM    
It would be great to use (from context menu) Meta-Info > Copy Magnet Link, unfortunately this method copies only up to 5 magnets at a time.
by Sailor24 on 2014/10/15 10:00:14 PM    
I highlight a group and right click and use meta data/save .torrent. The only problem is you lose all your incomplete pieces. A lot of complete files will become 99% files for tixati. They are complete but because Tixati no longer has the rest of the piece saved it thinks it is not complete. The way around this is don't check the file again tixati will seed what it sees checked or not.
You would be better to do the clean up in place.
by Guest on 2014/10/16 01:46:24 AM    
Thank you very much for the help. good idea!

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