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Kb/s up and down

by Guest on 2014/10/12 06:21:48 PM    
Why does it only show in Kb/s and not Mb/s...I have a decent down speed of 30Mb/s internet...but this program makes it feel like I am back in the dark ages...
by Pete on 2014/10/13 07:58:10 PM    
You can configure this, go to Settings > User Interface > Output Formatting > set Largest Unit for Bytes and Bytes In Charts.
by Guest on 2014/11/15 07:04:47 PM    
Thanks for that, but this does not change the B's in or out.. I find Tixati very very slow although I have my settings correct. I have up to 375Kb/s available for uploading, but the most any torrent has ever used is 97Kb/s...but that was short lived too ! Downloading is fine... I downloaded uTorrent and set it up, and using same torrent to upload from both Tixati and uTorrent at same time, uTorrent was uploading at 237Kb/s and Tixati nil...not even 1byte.
So I will presume Tixati is just for those with slow internet.??
by Guest on 2014/11/16 04:49:56 AM    
I have no problem maxing my upload bandwidth with Tixati - so much so that I have to deliberately cap it well under my ISP limit to ensure I have spare for other activities.

It takes two to tango - just because your client CAN upload, if the peers don't want to download for whatever reason, they won't make any data requests. Some clients seem to actively increase requests to try and saturate peers that can deliver more; others just don't seem to, from what I observe, even when there is bandwidth available at my end. Remember it is possible that the remote clients may be bandwidth-limited because they are downloading other things as a priority, preventing them making many other requests.

I can't suggest why two different clients seeding from the same machine at the same time would have different levels of requests, but it's hardly a usual configuration and open to protocol or bandwidth conflict in many ways so rather useless to base any conclusions on.
by Guest on 2014/11/19 03:07:48 AM    
If the two clients are running simultaneously the max efficient speed both would be 50% each.  If one is taking 90% the other only has 10% to work with.

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