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Problem with RSS Feed: Maximum downloads per episode.

by Guest on 2014/09/30 05:02:10 AM    
I use an an aggregator to download several shows in a custom RSS feed. I noticed that Tixati was incorrectly detecting eposides from different shows as the same episode.  I went to the help page and found out why.

From the help page on RSS settings:
Episode notations recognized within item titles are s##e### and ##x###. If no episode identifier is found, the title is searched for a date in the yyyy mm dd format, where the space in between can be any characters counted as whitespace. Items with the same date, if any, are considered the same episode.

This creates a problem if different shows have the same SxxExx tag.  I don't know how many others have the same problem, but I think it would be helpful to have an option to use the title as well as the SxxExx tag.  

The only workaround I've found is to set maximum DL per episode to 10, but eventually it will reach that limit my incorrectly matching episodes from different shows.

Please let me know if there is another way around this.
by Guest on 2014/10/22 05:26:38 AM    
send those rss feeds to devs with small explanation.

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