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"force check"

by kalukalu on 2014/09/27 06:56:41 PM    

I'm new to tixati,

Before I used qbittorrent,

in qbittorrent there is an option called 'force check.'

i use it when i have for some reason deleted a torrent from the client but i still have some of the files on my computer or when i accidentally knock the power cable out of my external hard-drive. i point qbittorrent at those files and select force check and it will look through them, determine how complete they are and then start downloading the missing pieces. this is also useful for changing from one client to another.

i see that tixati has an option called "force check" but instead of doing what i described above it throws an "existing file with incorrect size" status instead.

is there a way to make tixati do the same thing as qbittorrent in this regard?


by Guest on 2014/09/27 10:49:40 PM    
i don't mean as a suggested feature i mean, can tixati do that? just to be clear.
by Sailor24 on 2014/09/30 04:42:22 AM    
It should not throw the incorrect size error unless it is the wrong size. Something has happened likely to the properties of the file. Sometimes it is media player changing a meta tag. That adds one byte, but that is one to many.
by Guest on 2016/05/14 07:35:01 AM    
Follo this steps to Force check:
-> click on your file in tixati.
-> in below panel click "options" tab.
-> click local files.
-> you will find force check on the right side with green symbol.

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