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Download Completion Keeps Dropping

by Guest on 2014/09/26 01:07:02 AM    
Trying to download a 85000k torrent on v1.99 and every few minutes it drops 2000k of what's already been downloaded. I'll be at 21% and then all of a sudden I'm back down to 18%. So I'm not making any progress at this point.
by Pete on 2014/09/27 10:38:33 AM    
Maybe bad data is downloaded.
From the Help page:
Bytes Complete/Remaining/Total
This progress bar and numbers show how many bytes have been downloaded, and includes incomplete pieces that have not been integrity checked. Occasionally the progress may back-track slightly if a piece has just been completed yet fails the integrity check.
by Sailor24 on 2014/09/30 04:38:11 AM    
In the torrent are there padding files you did not check off? Any time you see padding files you will be downloading them if a piece you need is in the same block. No matter if you did not check them.

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