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Socket error: Base socket reset

by uhutixati on 2014/09/18 07:48:12 PM    

I've just installed Tixati. Opened ports in my router and attempted to start downloading
Well, no donwnloading at all, DHT keeps telling "attempting to bind port" and the event log window shows:

19:41:56]  starting
[19:41:57]  Attempting to listen for UDP on
[19:41:57]  Attempting to listen for UDP on :::4708
[19:41:57]  Startup complete.
[19:41:58]  IPv4 Node-gathering search started > 6D038AB5 F876F26D B0AA5FAC C9D0A219 EE6C6706
[19:42:00]  Trying backup hint in search > IPv4 Node-gathering search : 6D038AB5 F876F26D B0AA5FAC C9D0A219 EE6C6706
[19:42:00]  Trying search hint 64.85.*.*:6881 26B46F5B EE553C3F 1E73C53F 6E1DB4A3 1DB6EB9D
[19:42:01]  Socket error: Base socket reset
[19:42:02]  IPv4 Node-gathering search completed > 6D038AB5 F876F26D B0AA5FAC C9D0A219 EE6C6706
[19:42:02]  stopped

continuously cycling while downloads don't start.
Any ideas?
by Guest on 2014/09/20 07:53:10 PM    
look in your main Home window (click Home button at the very top-left), in the log, there should be more info there about the error... post relevant lines (no file names please) and maybe someone can help

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