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[BUG] A Memory Leak in Windows 7
on 2013/07/31 09:01:59 PM
Hello Dev team,
First off, great job with the new forum :) Now for the reason of this post.
On the old forum, there was a posting about a memory leak in Tixati 1.96. The issue is an ever growing handle amount in Tixati. A few of us have done some investigating and found that the handles only seem to grow out of control on Windows 7 machines. Linux, Windows XP, and Vista were all tested with 32/64 bit clients and did not show the issue. As an example, my Tixati which has been running for several months has over 1.8 million handles. This leads to freezing and general system instability. Using process explorer shows most of them are of type "Unnamed Event", if that means anything to you. Also, this was not introduced in 1.96, but was also a problem in 1.95 and possibly earlier. Let me know if you need any kind of logs/reports/more info and I will happily send it/them over.
My systems:
Windows 7 x64
FX-8150 running at 4.1Ghz
16GB of ram
Windows 7 x64
Phenom II X2 560 running at 3.6Ghz
2GB of ram
on 2013/08/02 07:54:06 PM
You should send a PM to Janet and 18436572 with all the relevant info. That would make more sense, rather than only making this thread.
That memory leak sounds significant and definitely needs to be addressed.
on 2013/08/03 07:02:38 AM
Seconded. Did you catch someone ELH?
on 2013/08/03 07:26:09 AM
If there was a way, I might do so, but there is not. However the point of this forum is to report bugs and help users, so I believe this is the right place for it. Besides, the thread was on the front page of the old forum for 6 months, so it's not exactly new news. It would be nice if this was fixed sooner than later, though.
on 2013/08/03 11:35:18 AM
Oh, and no; I haven't been contacted by any of the admins, moderators, or devs about this. As a side note, I am not the only one who has this issue with Tixati. Several other users have reported the same problem (I actually wasn't the first, BugMagnet was on the old forum). I haven't had anyone on Windows 8 to test yet. Also, I do not know if 64 bit or 32 bit makes a difference. If anyone else want to run some tests to try and figure out whee this issue occurs, please post your results here. The more we know, the easier it should be for the devs to identify the problem (assuming they haven't already).
on 2013/08/04 06:27:29 AM
Someone from the old forum said it was a handle leak. One user reported average handles to be ~40k and his Tixati approached 2M after operating for some time. I can verify the handles do exceed normal levels.
on 2013/08/05 06:37:41 AM
I am running tixati on a couple XP 32bit machines and have experienced and documented excessive handles previously with that OS version
Currently with an uptime of nearly a week, tixati v1/96 is using only 1613 handles. Well behaved at the moment.
This is with unthrottled UL (~230 KiB/s), DHT 550 nodes, Seeding 259 torrents
on 2013/08/05 01:02:25 PM
At one of the private tracker that i'am we opened a thread called:
Torrent client RAM & CPU comparison
I do not want to post all messages, but mine and someone.
here's mine:
Tixati 1.96 / Linux Mint 14
495 DVD Files in transfers.
my friend:
Windows 7 (i think)
uTorrent 3.3 ~47MB
Seeding - 293
Active - 3
And I too think that Tixati consumes much RAM and some pretty nice number CPU.
I do not know where is hidden the reason of this consumes, but I think the devs should think that to make Tixati more lightweight.
Many options for me i that i found unnecessary i turn off to benefit a little weight. But still not get positivie results in the end. Tixati still consumes memory on my Linux Mint copy.
When i minimize to tray (or close to stay on the tray) seems slightly reduced a little bit, but when i show opened in active or minimized on (task bar only) CPU and RAM begin to grow.
This is other image some month after
Tixati still consumes a lot of CPU and RAM if you compare with rTorrent. I hope to one day soon to be much more lightweight.
Thank you, I'will still support Tixati
on 2013/08/13 03:14:12 AM
An update
A few days ago I found and downgraded to 1.91. The system has been running four days with no noticeable increase in RAM. The system has same ~20 torrents that have been seeding for months. When I shut down, it was up to 12GB of RAM. It is now a steady 5.6.
Nili, your input is appreciated. It should be noted that the RAM usage in the issue discussed is not tracked. It is a "leak," the RAM is wasted by Tixati and permanently marked outside of the application.
I am hopeful this bug is fixed sooner than later. If a few people want to try 1.92 and newer versions and assist in locating the exact version with the problem it would be helpful. Please note which version and build you install, how long you used it and maybe how much time was invested before the current version showed a measurable loss of performance.
Thank you,
on 2013/09/10 05:24:55 AM
Well after BugMagnet's reply about his Tixati now behaving on an OS he knows had an issue before, this leak may be due to a combination of things, including Tixati. I will try downgrading my Tixati from 1.96 one version at a time until the handles stop leaking and will re-post my results here.
on 2013/09/12 05:15:52 AM
Hi all, just my 2 cents: Had similar issues when i initially installed Tixati 1.95 and then 1.96 on 2 machines - win7/64 and winxp/32. I played around with the settings for about 45 minutes and currently Tixati is purring like a kitten on both machines. The winxp/32 one is the one with the heavy load and it uses 2-3% cpu and less than 60mb RAM. I would link the backup of my settings, but i can't see what what personal info is included in it. The chat is completely disabled; many UI and columns changes; graph updates and logging is reduced to the absolute minimum, etc. With the current config the difference between my default 7 active torrents and a test run of all ~130 torrents running, is very small - on full load i get 15-20% cpu and 120-145mb RAM.
Point being - there is no perfect application, so i would suggest minimalist approach to the config and keep adding features over time to see where it all goes down.
On another note - especially on windows-based machines - it's quite possible for the whole system to start to behave weird, because of a network application, forcing the connection to reach "bottleneck" state and in combination with a badly written driver for the network card and/or combination with some sort of traffic shaping software may lead to connections/system "hangups" and respectively Tixati will proactively try to resume operations. This is quite noticeable if you test running Tixati with and without DHT.
P.S. Thanks to the Tixati team for this great application.
on 2013/09/25 07:15:03 PM
Hi, I've just started using Tixai, I'm on Win 7 x64 Pro, and when I use Tixati it crashes my system. I have tested and it is definitely only ever happening when I use Tixati, and it doesn't seem to matter if its one torrent running or more. I locks up my system, no mouse, no keyboard, nothing I can do but force shutdown. I would very much like to keep using Tixati, but am worried about damage to my system because it happens more than once
I use it.
I have looked and looked for the version 1.91 mentioned above and can not find it, would it be possible to have a link to that version, just until the issues with win7 can be resolved?
Me Here
P.S. I'll be happy to register if a PM with link would be better.
on 2014/02/28 07:47:01 AM
Hello again,
Sorry to revive this old thread, but I've finished running tests and have finally narrowed down the cause of this issue. After trying several different Tixati versions, and not really seeing any improvements, I decided to try turning off features one at a time and leaving Tixati run for a while to record the handles. I didn't really see any improvement until I disabled the Channels feature of Tixati, at which point my handles immediately stopped growing. After running Tixati like this for a few days and seeing no real change in handle count, I turned it back on and noticed once again that the handle increased (at a rate of several thousand an hour). However, I know others user channels and don't have this problem, so I decided to investigate further. Maybe only certain channels were causing this issue? After a lot of investigation, I discovered that the culprit of this issue is specifically
channels that stream audio/video
. I run several channels which stream, so this is an explanation for why I noticed this so heavily. When not connected to a channel that streams content, my handles barely change throughout the day.
So at least we have a good explanation for what causes this issue. I hope this information can help the devs narrow down specifically what is causing the problem in the code, as I would love to utilize the streaming features of Tixati more. If any technical information is needed, please let me know and I will get it to you.
on 2014/04/29 10:17:45 AM
A Memory Leak in Windows 7 up to 2 Gb of memory
this problem acurde when i try to download more then 170 torrent most of them are tv shows ep's
tixati start to take 2 Gb of memory see the picture please
My systems:
Windows 7 x64
i7 running at 1.6Ghz
4GB of ram
on 2014/05/01 04:03:49 AM
I finally upgraded one of my systems from XP to win7 Pro and can basically confirm what that guy..EvilLivesHere determined. I found that just sitting in a channel with streaming, not listening to the stream, was enough to cause the handles leak and eventual system instability. I was streaming in 3 channels, but since confirming this problem, I decided to turn off streaming so as not to impair the other users computer functionality. I am hoping the cause can be tracked down in the code as I like this streamcasting feature.
Long live tixati and the DEV Team!
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