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in case of reejection - short explanation request

by lBaltazar on 2013/08/03 06:11:35 PM    
Dear Moderators,

I understand when sometime You do not approve some "bug" report.
But may I have short "indication/message" in case of reejection why it is happend?

Because it is very frustrating when I try write on foreign for me language and doesn't know - "not our business", "do not understand You", "missing info, examples" or what happend...

Nobody like to speak with "black boxes/holes" without reaction.

Thank You. For great SW, work and patience.

Have a nice day!
by DrTeeth on 2013/08/04 05:33:02 PM    
I would like to second that reasonable request.
by Bugmagnet on 2013/08/05 07:41:07 AM    
"reasonable"? - depends
wonderful if it could be so

My understanding is that the dev team does follow some of the feedback though admittedly they seldom reply or respond. I assume they have only so much time and resources to commit to a program they give away free and interaction on a forum can be a huge timesink that can takeaway from actual code creation/correction.

All I can say is I KNOW they are still alive and do react in their own way. This new forum and v1.96 is evidence of that.
by DrTeeth on 2013/08/09 10:30:44 PM    
AIUI they wrote this forum software. Why not save time and use many of the ones already available?

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