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stealth seed box
on 2024/09/13 05:52:32 PM
I found installing very high capacity disks, now SSD in a laptop make for a stealthy seed box
2TB are really cheap now and 4TB SSD are falling fast, older machines can also be turned into seed boxes as cheap SATA SSD are even cheaper now
So Tixati hides in the system tray and playing some game on the laptop is rather stealthy seeding *.torrent for world+dog
on 2024/10/12 09:13:11 AM
Would be nice if there was a seed relay so I could run an ultra-lightweight server on the cloud to act as a port forwarded connection & seed with full speeds on a computer running on my home network behind my VPN router & sadly my VPN no longer allows port forwarding so seeding performance has gone down.
A relay seedbox just so we have a single port forwarded connection to establish connections between other clients would be great.
- Zaptosis
on 2024/10/12 11:41:30 AM
Tixati is great for this when you set up the auto-throttler correctly, so you can seed and download without an increase in ping at all.
on 2024/10/18 06:54:24 AM
I’ve got an old laptop I set up the same way—swapped in a 2TB SSD, and it’s been perfect for a seed box. I just have Tixati running in the tray, and I can game on it without any issues. The prices on SSDs have dropped so much lately that it made sense to repurpose the machine instead of letting it collect dust.
on 2024/12/03 09:19:01 PM
It seems that 2TB is the sweet spot for M.2 NVMe at present. Prices for 4TB are softening,
on 2025/02/03 08:01:36 PM
I also have bnoticed Tixati can move files to a different location so a USB box with additional storage can up the sharing big time. USB boxes for 2.5" and 3.5" disks are cheap. Server disks are flooding the market lately so these are cheap and can handle a lot of content.
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