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Subject: Feature Request: Enhanced File Management and Sorting i

by Sagnalind on 2024/08/04 12:39:22 AM    
Dear Tixati Development Team,

I am a frequent user of Tixati and greatly appreciate the robust features it offers. However, I have encountered a challenge that could be addressed with enhanced functionality in the Tixati client.

Issue: Currently, there is no straightforward method to sort or manage files directly in the 'Transfers' list based on their download directories. This limitation makes it cumbersome to manage large numbers of files, especially when needing to move them without disrupting the seeding process and affecting the share ratio.

Proposed Feature:

Enhanced Sorting Capabilities - Ability to sort torrents in the 'Transfers' list by their download directories. This would greatly aid in managing torrents that are spread across various folders.
Bulk Move Operations - An integrated feature to select multiple torrents and move their storage locations through the Tixati interface. This change should ensure that the seeding continues uninterrupted, and the share ratios are not negatively impacted.
These features would significantly enhance the user experience by providing better control over file management, especially for users who deal with large volumes of torrents and need to maintain organized seeding practices.

Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to your feedback and am excited about the potential improvements these features could bring to your powerful client.

Best regards,

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