by Guest on 2023/10/11 07:54:11 PM
Depends on your internet provider package speed and the person seeding too (Might be slower if your download is rare/old)
The person sending to you is called the Seed/Seeder
In the Bandwidth button, you could try this, it might work? Some people say this works for them
Select "Limit Incoming KB/s" to 100,000 (type it in, using arrows will be sloooow!)
Select "Limit Outgoing KB/s" to 50,000 (type it in, using arrows will be sloooow!)
You can eventually adjust to your own provider speed.
Above in Tixati I think each 1000 = 1M
1M = 8Megabit ("8 Meg" when it comes to broadband advertising)
100,000 = 800 Meg
50,000 = 400 Meg
If this improves things for you, you can leave it or do a speed test on the web and adjust again accordingly?
Let us know if this testing works, have you tried downloading something very popular, just as a trial?