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Feature : TOR client inside Tixati only for the trackers address

by Guest on 2022/12/28 05:05:31 PM    

In this example :

On some networks, despite the replacement of DNS addresses, it may be impossible for the torrent client to reach the server of the semi-private tracker because the destination IP is blocked.

To get around this wall, would it be possible to integrate a dedicated TOR client, optionally activated in Tixati ?

This would increase the chances of establishing a link with trackers whose ip is blacklisted.

In the meantime, does anyone have an alternative workaround for operators who stop trackers ?

TX Tixati
by Guest on 2023/01/01 05:55:37 AM    
Use a VPN or proxy. There is no need to bundle Tor with Tixati because proxy settings can be configured for trackers only. Tor only support TCP so UDP trackers won't work.

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