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Permission to use logo on a Tshirt or baseball cap for personal

by Guest on 2022/08/24 08:52:27 AM    
Cheers Kevin! Thanks for your amazing app!!!🙏

I think I've been using it on and off for at least 5 or 6 years.... But the last 2 years it's my app for download. I really want to tell you from the bottom of my copyist heart. Thanks and a Thousand Thanks more. I'm not a big donnor but I try to water proyects like yours or Wikipedia or related. I was wondering if I could use your Tixati logo on a T Shirt or Cap. You should probably sell some items of the sort plus stickers. Hope you are well. Hope you can answer sometime. Maybe post a link to a good logo file to print. Good speed!!!
by Guest on 2022/09/20 01:11:29 AM    
by Guest on 2022/10/10 11:47:54 PM    
The TIXATI logo is really elegant
by Arniceous on 2022/10/12 09:34:42 AM    
do it :D

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