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No SEARCH option!!!!!

by Guest on 2014/04/27 04:29:03 AM    
Am I missing something???   Can't seem to find a SEARCH option for this Forum.   Does it have one????
by nnq2603 on 2014/04/27 03:56:14 PM    
No, I doesn't. And this forum is a simplified version of itself in the past. It used to be a forum with useful functions (also heavier and more resource consuming one). But now it's so simple and light weight, to a point we should call it a over-simplization. Now it lack of basic function such as search, member post manager, etc... You can't search for keyword/tag or any info inside this one. You can't click into yours or someone else profile (nickname) to view their posts, etc... Just come, read, questioning and answering.

You can try google with keyword and "" for more infomation about the topic you want to know. But beware, sometimes it leads to missing link, broken link or removed post in old forum... Oh, well, give it a try.
by DrTeeth on 2014/05/24 06:57:47 PM    
No option to save login details either. It is a real pain to use.

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