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Change Tixati downloaded files partition location without move t

by Guest on 2020/11/02 03:21:48 PM    
Windows 7 Partition C:\ with tixati and downloaded files but it crashed and I can't access windows again so I intend change this partition to another letter E:\ for example, and in a
new windows 7 instalation in another HD and Tixati instalation using backup, access the files with the new partition without move downloaded files.Is it possible?
by Mercury on 2020/11/13 08:52:52 PM    
If you have the torrent visible in Tixati but with "Missing Files" message, you can:

- Right-click on the torrent
- Choose Local Files, Location, Move...
- Browse to the location of your torrent files and click OK
- You will get a window saying the destination files already exist
- Click on Merge

You can even do this for multiple torrents at once (Select multiple torrents by holding shift or control).

If the torrent is NOT visible in Tixati (because it's a fresh install) you must load it in somehow. Maybe someone else can explain how to do that.

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