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Donating and Kudo's
on 2020/01/17 06:33:32 AM
I've been using Tixati for years and prefer it over all others.
I'm glad it is available to Linux users. It is the only closed source software I use.
And I know any and all snob ratings from the open source community are just that.
Tixati work very well. I used to like Vuze but Java is too heavy and unstable.
I'm mostly interested in sharing files as a Seed(er) and Tixati seems to handle this best for
multiple torrent seeding on a fast connection.
All clients do fine at downloading pretty much and of course Tixati excels at this as well.
ts about time I donated but would like to be assured its one time and not a monthly support thingy.
on 2020/01/22 11:39:56 PM
its about time I donated but would like to be assured its one time and not a monthly support thingy
be assured your donation will be a one time thing and NOT a monthly thing.
you can donate as often as you feel like.
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