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Spin-off the video streaming to it's own app?

by Guest on 2019/07/24 09:13:47 PM    
If I've understood it correctly, the Stream feature of Channels create a peer-to-peer network of it's a channel's members to share the bandwidth burden of a video/audio stream. This means that a video stream can scale to vast numbers without the need for the stream's "source" user to have vast quantities of outgoing bandwidth. A concept similar to AceStream or SopCast.

To me the benefit of Tixati's implementation is it's UI that makes setting up and sharing a stream simple, even to the novice (albeit with a bit of nouse about .ts or http streams).

However it's plumbed into Tixati which doesn't feel like a natural home for it, to me.

I'd love to see that functionality spun out of Tixati and into it's own independent app.

Tuning into a stream could be as simple as clicking on a link.

What do others think? Would you be more likely to stream video (either outwards or inwards) if the video streaming was independent of Tixati?

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