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tixati in vps

by defalt1694 on 2019/02/02 01:39:33 PM    
hey is it possible to setup tixati with web gui in vps(no gui)?
i find tixati way much leight weight than any other torrent client,if its possible please help.
by Pete on 2019/02/18 06:30:39 PM    
I'd setup it locally using GUI and copy .tixati directory with settings files, then use web interface.
by Bugmagnet on 2019/04/05 02:30:21 PM    
Just an FYI for the future...

This is not the right forum for such questions.

This "Off Topic" forum is to "Report problems with the forum itself, or any thing else not specific to Tixati"

Since your question/comment IS actually related to the use of Tixati, you might get a much better response posting to the regular "Help & Support" forum.

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