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by Guest on 2018/06/03 11:28:27 AM    
I was looking for a new torrent client. I had been a long time fan of uTorrent for the past five years. However, I have had problems with uTorrent with the recent version. I went searching for a new torrent client that had features I needed. It came down to Bitlord and Tixati. I like Bitlord, but it did not saved settings on the first attempt.


- Does not save settings on the first attempt installation. You have to play with it until it does.
- Requires Gpu usage due to it's design. It uses Directx from what i viewed during installation.


- So far I like it after playing with the settings that took some time to adjust.
- I used to use WinMX 15 years ago, and Tixati brings back memories of it's design.
by Bugmagnet on 2018/06/30 02:55:07 AM    
fopnu is much more like winMX and it, like Tixati are from the same great mind and talented dev

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