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Request for mac version

by Guest on 2018/04/26 08:55:01 AM    
tixati is awsome.
please create for mac too.
by Guest on 2018/09/18 02:25:54 AM    
Don't hold your breath waiting, the Tixati developers have enough code work on their hands with Windows and Linux versions... and do a great job at that!!!

As a casual Mac user, I don't believe they need the extra unpaid work and headaches keeping up with the infinite Mac OS updates BS,
which in case no one has noticed does nothing for performance except bloat up and slow down the machines to force owners to upgrade to yet another more powerful computer, just to achieve the same computing experience they have been accustomed to.  

I have dumped the Mountain snails and UPGRADED back to 10.8.5, the last of the decent 'cats',

...but do try the latest Mac OS offerings as they get released, just for a giggle  :)

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