RedSnt on 2018/04/15 09:27:40 PM
As the title says, whenever the "please donate" window pops up, I lose focus on whatever game I'm playing. I don't mind popups, I don't mind shareware popups either, but I get the feeling you won't get rid of the random "plz donate" popups even if you donate. Just make it shareware already and be honest about it!!
Dan911 on 2018/04/17 11:57:26 PM
That's new. Never heard Tixati had nagware. Especially in fullscreen mode.
Maybe you're mistaking it for another background app, that one sending you these messages.
But if you say you saw it, then you saw it. Just move Tixati to another (virtual) desktop space or get yourself another client.
I don't spend endless hours at the computer (anymore :) but when i do return from real life, I have noticed at times a popup reminding me that Tixati is a labor of love and that reciprocating is appreciated. I don't mind this, but again, I don't know how repetitive it might be since I am usually AFK.
And yes, this sort of reminder is relatively new. But to put it in perspective, the dev(s) have devoted decades of their life to get Tixati and fopnu and the future projects in the works to us and last I knew they never charged any of us a penny or a pound. I have to be believe that feeling appreciated is appreciated. I don't want to see any of the DEVteam (whoever they might be) to burn out and give up. They obviously have tenacity to have continued this far. If they are now nagging, calling for help, who can deny them that?
Could there be some sort of registration of donation to quiet the donation suggestions? That would be easy from a techy perspective. But would they then have to maintain a record of users who donate? And who would or could get access to that select userbase? NSATFBICE? (It's a USA thang).
For some, this is not a game. It is serious. A critical means to share information and communicate.