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Awesome deal!!!!

by Guest on 2018/04/14 12:30:27 PM    
Software like Tixati, that is shared freely, without ads, and for the benefit of all users, deserves recognition.  I'm not usually one for charitable donations but I can honestly say that I've donated a small amount of money to the developer(s).  Whether that money is used for further development, getting high, monthly bills, or whatever.  Somebody is spending their own time providing this wonderful service to us all.  I strongly encourage everyone who uses this software to do the same. Cheers.
by r17411n on 2018/05/09 11:59:55 PM    
I agree, I never donate any money to anything. But this program has never let me down through the years and I feel I can rely on it so I decided to donate some money and break my rule. Fully agree with your post.

- Robin from The Netherlands, Amsterdam
by Bugmagnet on 2018/06/30 02:52:53 AM    
I would dare to suggest that donating is not charity.

It is reciprocity.

So many expect something for nothing. just gimme gimme gimme.

We need to start paying our respects to those who sacrifice so much for the public good. We need to reciprocate.
by Guest on 2018/10/08 03:19:56 PM    

I agree with the above comments. This is my first time withg TIXATI, and so far it is wonderful. A very BIG thank you from from small town Australia.

I will register soon so that I can participate with the forum better.

by Guest on 2018/10/11 09:21:33 AM    
it is the best bt software i have ever used until now
However, when everytime i mention to ppl surrounding, they seldom feel interesting
by willieaames on 2018/11/15 12:10:34 PM    
Agreed, i have donated many times because they deserved it.
by av8r81 on 2018/11/24 12:24:39 AM    
I'm a new game developer and I think it's important to support great software. I've been using tixati for years now and am very impressed.  I came over from you :) torrent and never looked back once I found tixati.
by Guest on 2019/02/20 11:08:02 PM    
To whoever is making Tixati, thanks for spending your time writing this masterpiece of a software. I've litterally spent the entire evening just being amazed of how fast and stable it is, and exploring various channels. Keep it up. Donations are totally deserved.

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