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Seeding issues

by Guest on 2018/03/23 09:48:59 AM    
I don't seem to have any problems downloading but I don't seem to be seeding any of my downloaded files.
I occasionally see one start but it very quickly dies down to nothing and stops.
Is there something that I can change to ensure more seeding from my files?
by Guest on 2019/04/02 11:23:03 PM    
I have a similar issue here. I can seed normally while downloading but when download completes, B/s OUT section goes almost 0 immediately. After that there is no seeding at all. I wonder why it happens like this.
by Bugmagnet on 2019/04/05 02:27:53 PM    
first, this is not the right forum for such questions This "off Topic forum is to "Report problems with the forum itself, or any thing else not specific to Tixati"

You might get a much better response posting to the regular "Help & Support" forum.

review settings as shown here:  https://support.tixati.com/settings%20-%20transfers%20-%20general

I would suggest disabling all STOP options and just keep seeding, forever.

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