There is no app for that purpose, but there is the built-in privacy-break Web Interface.
This is extremely insecure for you, and privacy break 101%; Tixati has a built-in HTTPS (connection secure, but anyone can access) interface, that does not support any user control neither any access control, so anyone with accessible IP:PORT can access it.
For that privacy break, you can route/port-forward the Tixati Web Interface Incoming Port.
If you enable web interface, anyone at your LAN/Local Area Network can access it, and if your router is shitty, any hacker can access too; for security reasons, no application can be made for that from scratch, neither believed at will, if not from the dev.
I do use Web Interface for LAN only, because I believe in my router OS and its iptables firewall, but as I said, anyone at it can see ALL the torrents.