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Thanks for stopping the headaches

by Guest on 2017/01/13 12:04:26 AM    
Just a quick thank you to all at Tixati for making a product that works and works well. And NOT bloated with unwanted crap.

I have been fighting several other torrent clients (no names but you know who they are)and finally found something that works the way I want it to.

So thanks.

Jack Purvis
by Guest on 2017/09/16 07:25:35 PM    
I can honestly say that I have jumped on to every client out there, I would port my torrents to a working folder and re-add into the new client.  

BUT then I would stupidly remove Tixati and all directories (including the torrents that I had added to Tixati).

THEN I would get pissed at the client I'm testing, due to my own pet peeves of what I WANT in a client, I would run it for a few months, but then I would switch back to Tixati.

Wash, Rinse and Repeat! :)

I don't know why I would just keep Tixati so I don't have to complete all my work over again, but alas, I'm stupid at things and a glutton for punishment.

But I ALWAYS return to Tixati.

So here I am added my torrents back in to Tixati for the 1,000th time and I can say that I'm DONE, through, complete, I'm NO LONGER going to test any new clients.

Nothing can compete with the simplicity of Tixati, it runs, it does what it says, it doesn't add crap that we as users don't want.  It's evolving, it has a good development cycle, loyal users, friendly advice in forums (when asked nicely!) and well that is why Tixati is MY CLIENT of choice and the forums are my home.

Cheers to the authors, their continued dedication to Tixati and here's to brighter days ahead.

One happy camper!

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