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what system used to create forum?

by Guest on 2015/11/11 10:31:50 AM    
question to sitemaster, curious for creating own forum with same framework/system
by KH on 2015/11/12 03:13:51 PM    
Pure Node.js, with no framework like Express or Connect, but using 3 NPMs for minor stuff like SQL, image processing, and templates.

About 7,000 lines of js runs both the forum and wiki.  It took 6 weeks of steady work to create.

If I had to do it all over, I would do it in C++14 instead.
by TixMan on 2024/06/19 10:48:41 PM    
@KH, thank you for this forum.  I like the structure, how clean it is without overhead and certain thankful for it being as informative as it is.  :)
by Guest on 2025/01/25 03:08:34 AM    
The forum seems very clean (bots, trolls, etc.).  How much resiliency is there in the setup vs how much is just manual moderation and good community?

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